Need to play house and not sure exactly what that old washboard was for? Or how to bottle feed your dolly?
Who hasn’t gone looking for how to do something on YouTube? It’s sort of the university of the Internet. If you’re a business, chances are your customers need to know about the best ways to enjoy, use or understand your products or services. Give value and help them make the most of their investment in you. How-To videos don’t just teach, they are a long-form commercial for your brand and company. For the duration of your video you have their undivided attention. What is that worth to you?
If you’ve never considered the benefit of how-to videos, let’s go beyond the obvious as stated above, the strong brand impression. Inside the video you can reinforce the values of the business, the product or service you provide, and added-value from your insider knowledge. You can script the content to direct people to more information via sign-up tactics like landing pages or opt-in trials. Can you offer a free sample or a user guide they can download? Can they attend a live demonstration or see you in action somewhere? You’re trying to create as many touch-points as possible for the viewer to get past the know, like & trust threshold to do business with you.
And just like the product knowledge videos or FAQ videos that should be part of your content library, how-to videos are something you can email with a purchase confirmation or in your newsletter. Giving value to your customer is what separates you from the competition, and because these videos are highly shareable, you get added value from the increased exposure and bump in favouritism by the social media algorithms. Call it a win-win-win.
Want to know the full financial benefit of how-to videos for your business? Talk to us about what this saves in service calls, employee time, winning over new business and growing your visibility. Heck, we’ve just given you 4 awesome reasons…so call us to create your time-saving, money making content, and while we’re talking, we’ll tell you how we can deliver an entire strategy to give you the visibility you need in front of the customers you want at the right time and place. It’s not just videos, it’s holistic campaigns that deliver results!