Hesitation and doubt could be driving more business away from you and into the arms of your competition. With video set to be 84% of internet traffic by 2020 this isn’t some passing trend you can ignore or prevaricate.
The fact is more and more customers are searching online prior to picking up the phone. They have powerful tools to find out about products, services, reviews, ratings and more. Getting into the video content game allows you to deliver strong branded messages, answer questions, built rapport and convert searching into buying.
Businesses large and small are effectively using video to communicate offers, products, culture, brand and build massive awareness in their market. If you’re still hesitant about committing to using it (for a myriad of reasons) then we’d recommend getting off that fence and talking to us about powerful, disruptive, creative strategies to out-shine that other guy across town.
What sets us apart from your best friend’s nephew who got a groovy drone for Christmas is we’re an experienced production house that thinks like an ad agency. Video is a tool and a medium, but it also needs a bigger strategic plan so it makes you money. If that sounds good to you, let’s talk about making your competitors nervous.